March 07, 2009

Little miss Chatterbox

Phew...soo full!!!Went to sharaton towers 2dae..go treated by my little precious! yea..happie fer her realationship!The Place was damn traditional..E food was so shiokalicious!lolx..From e starter to appetizer to dessert..everything was perfect!I especially loved the tempting chocolate don!It melted in my mouth..e funniest thing was i could not stand the sourness of the orange sorbet and made some weird face reaction..haha...omg this weekends are like going to be my *revision* weekends..Ca's next week..i tink i should nt bring down mr.ho's high hopes on me..e oni thing i hv to get on wid is *maths*.ya *maths**maths**maths*. Soo fast sports day readii seh..!ULYSSES!!!yest went to meet up wid sakinah our sweet blood sucked by the flies..eww!But her blood was sweeter den mine..hehe..Got labeled Little miss chatterbox&Little miss Naughty by_____sum1..tnx alot!:)Eager fer my splendid sundays...Bies...

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