November 18, 2009

Its gonna be the last day..lets enjoy it to the fullest!

Hey guys!Its been long since i posted..It's going to be the last day of school tomorrow and it's just so sad!Guranteed that i am going to tearD:.The days run soo fast..But i hope that we will keep in touch.I am soo going to miss my 6 Loyalty'09!!!Not forgetting mr.ho too:)IT's result day next thursday..that means a week more to go.nervous yet glad.My aim for tomorrow is to camwhore wif classmates as thats the only little chance.hah.Soo today I,syahirah,Nigel and masayu were having a talk between us.We were talking bout confessions*!!And yea will get back here soon maybe with photos uploaded cos now i gotta run!BuHBye!;D