March 18, 2010

Shantika rawks mann!

Yawr!Went to Orchid Country Club with shantika,uncle paska,ashley,pavi,sonia and navin.We swam there for more than 6 hours.Soo shiok sia,at first i was damn freaking scared to go on the slide.All of them were encouraging me soo ,much especially this navin was pulling me.Thanks alot ppl,ILY.Finally i overcomed the fear,woohoo..Bowling place was fully booked as some competiton was going on.IT was such a greatt dayy.While going bakk to shantika's house was checking my phone and there was a miss call from hong kah.Called back and they asked to call on the next working dayy probably because it was late alr.Went home,helped shanti ka update her I-phone.Yeahh,soo should keep the post short and sweet.Adios..

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