May 31, 2010


Blog 's clean alr ! Want to post very very long ! Will do it l8r on . Got the type of blog that i want .
Just my posts and Bio !

Renovaid ! =P

Blog Under Renovation !

May 25, 2010

You are making me do this !

Heylow peeps ! Grand dad 's in a very bad condition now . I have been commited to a great responsibility . Cos he's going through the same condition as my granny and i am feeling so sad as only i know how she suffered and i did when she left us . Its difficult to handle him alone , thats why i am helping alot . SO those thinking , that i didnt come to sch this week on purpose , pls do verify with me . Dont talk behind backs . I will post soon ! Praying hard and dad 's going with mom for parents meeting .. okay in miss koh's form , LOL ! ( lots of love ) hehes , sheevangi loves youh all . Tatas !

May 14, 2010

IN com lab!!

Ello0os Peepos!I was supposed to continue my post but i wont do it now.Maybe l8r or tmr..Cos currently i am hong kahs com lab now.Its damn cold here...!Got back tamil and maths results.I am satisfied with my maths result.Passed with flying colours.I and aishah did as what we promised!Weeeee~Love her mann..Tamil got an A2 again.G0sh!!3 more marks to l8r on!!

May 12, 2010

I miss hymm..

Heyyy PPL!sorry for not posting for a long time!!!MYE just ended and i got lots and lots to share!!!Will update tmr.This post was just to mention this blog has survived once again.LolX:DD