August 16, 2010

Godmommy , RIP ! ♥

Woah , Its A Long Time Since I Bloghopped ... ! Many Thing Have Happened . Just Too Many To Elaborate .... GodMom Got Serious And Passed Away ! ;(
Three Deaths In A Year . WTH .. School 's Not That Great Except For MATHS And Friends . The Little Bunch Of Monkeys Who Loves Me Truckloads . && My Shayangs Sonia & Prasena♥ Prasu's Hug And Hand Made Me Feel Btr That Day ++ Mommy's Love Too . ILY My Prasena And Mommy Like Heaven .. Things Just Happened Too Fast , Tmr 's The 8th Day Prayer . Ponteng-ing School Tmr . Piggy 's Rushing Me , Will Come Back Tmr . Okayy , Byee !
(Lots Of Love )LOL ,
Sheevangi ♥

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