September 24, 2011

Hi . I am currently on study mode . Sorry people <3

HEY HEY . It's two weeks since I updated I think . But , im pretty busy (:
& this whole week I was covered with blankets and medicines . High fever and lost voice . Whatthehell , end of year paper's are just around the corner . It's okay , I'm catching up at home . I really feel great after practicing Maths . Now I'm addicted , starting to love Maths ! <3 Hahahahahah , can you believe it ? From today I'm on study mode , which means I have turned over a new leaf now . & you can expect good results from . I'll try to update okay ? Eight days of school , 11 days left to brush up . & the third weekend from now is my FOURTEENTH 
Heeheeheee , Wheeeee (:
Alright , gonna write letter for bigbrother and then study . Buhbye (:
Love ,
SheevangiSK <3

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