October 19, 2011

Will you cross the skies for me ?

heeeeeey , EOY is over dude . woohoo (:
many things have happened over the week , but nothing unusual.every paper was going good , except maths 2 :/ I hate the overall 50% criteria for the express stream , 
hopefully maths results doesnt bring down my overall . 
& guess what ? Im fourteen already :D haahaas .
fourteenth went awesome ♥ the week has been great so far ..
heard that classmates received results already , Zzz .
Lets see what happens tomorrow , have to meet vaikesh and go to yishun once school ends :D Hope results are not so bad (:& .. & .. I think I have to lose hope on Prince (':
What to do ? There must always be a storm after a rainbow in my story . Alright , update tomorrow ! Toodles !