January 13, 2012


so its the end of week 2 & I feel better.
so many lessons , homeworks and lectures. upcoming are quizzes/tests. rarely bump into vaikesh. :/ this year hongkah's O's standard turned out worst. yeah , so that's about school.
days have been so tiring , my dearest friend didn't even acknowledge the message I sent via FB. Neither does happiness last long in my life nor friends. But FAMILY do. <3 hais , hoping things would turn out better as soon as possible. it's momma's birthday in 8 days. woohoo. looking forward to the long weekends coming the week ahead. but there are tests next week. boohoo. so tomorrow, accompanying vaikesh to the openhouse tmrw. & then off to shopping with daddy love. alright , time for a power nap after the most exhausting week. adios !