March 27, 2009

end of e week! :]

Yea...end of e week!:]!but loads of hme.w!:[!theres tuition 2dae!and i gotta rush!2dae lessons were damn fun!full of laughters!stayed back wid HMT students for fun!den went around the skool wid sakinah..!did some *stuff*!lolx!kays..came back home and turned on the com!chatted eid sarah:]],sakinah,haikal!but actually chatted most wid sarah darling!she was tokn thru her mike..she sings soo well!she claims she is my radio!haha!maybe!maybe its!hahaha!kies..buzy eu noe chatting wid her..hehe..gtg!she is a VIP!(very important PRINCESS)


March 26, 2009


Haiz!do not feel good!nvr go to skool 2dae!:[ !super BORING!my ears are hurting!:(
kies!was asked to dis survey/quis/bulletin!haha!

A - Abimannu
B - Banie
C - chandni
D - Daniel
E - Esther
F - Farhan[6 joy]
G - Gaya3
H - Haikal
I - Irdawati
J - Joel
K - Kasturi
L - Liyang
M - Mikhail
N - Nabilla
O - Omar
P - Prema
Q - Quinn
R - Richard
S - Syahirah
T - Tun lin
U - Umar
V - Vinoth
W - Wayne
X - Xavier
Y - Yasmin
Z - Zayma

1) Can R and S be together in BGR?
- Nah!*laughters*

2) How is L related 2 you?

3) Does Y know Z?

4) If C betrays you, will you kill him/her?
-i dun really noe her..!i dunno!

5) If K steals your boyfriend, what will you do?
-Huh!i dun tink she will do dat!(?)

6) What if L tells you that he/she have a crush on you?
7) Will you n M gt into a fight?
-IDK!but..i guess nt!

8) Who does K have a crush on?
-hmm..i tink she dosn't hv anymore!

9) If W calls you a bitch what will you do?
-we dunnoe even noe each other well.

10) What's the relationship between you and E?

11) Who does Z like?

12) Who is I best friend?

13) What colour does Y like?
-Black..Hot pink..

14) Where does F live?

15) Did you and C had a fight before?!

16) Who is H's best friend?

17) What can you say about T?
-He is terribly addicted to his loved one!:]

18) What if J tells you that he/she had a crush on you?

19) Who do you want to pass this quiz to?
-Any body who is willing to do!

March 24, 2009


Said goodbye to holidayss!thot exams stress was over..!but no!RESULTS!maybe i did well,or maybe not..!i dunnoe i am confused..!kay,2dae went online and saw SarahBiebers! to chat wid her..!she sings just so well..!i guess i gv her more compliments den comments!soo sad...hv to get a new mike lar..!she is waiting for me to do so!jus feel weird!i feel like toin bout e lil lady..!she is simply gorgeous and sweet!i tink she do understand me..cos i always end my chat wid her wid a smile..:]she is adorable,sweet,intelligent,a crazy rubberhead like mie(maybe)..haha!love you babe!kays wanna chat wid her..!haha!bye!

March 21, 2009

Heyss!10 daysago since i blogged!soo,i guess 2dae will be a *very very long* post!:]


nth much to say!cos i was having my tamil and science paper..!and the days were boring!cos i was nt in a good mood!met sakinah and i hang out wid her for e day!


FREAKED OUT!...went to suntec!damn it,man u lost to losers again!nvm we are still at e top reachin e championship soon!was behaving like a crazy monkey!got myself a big lum on the head!yea...and it was irirtating ..didnt dare touch it..!mom knew how i got it!hehe!got prepared fer skool e next day!


skool!entered skool,walked lyk nobody buisness,first thing to see was soccer boys,felt vibration and it was mrs.suresh callin..i and sakinah had to inform the tl ppl dat we had to wait a little longer!we had to complete out tl newmaking..had a nice tym planning wid sakinah..loved e way she acted like a local ah beng!we made up this title 'bomb blast in vivo city'!haha!the next day!damn,rained heavily!the thing was that i had no umbrella,joel passed by with a umbrella giggling at me.ass sia he!den i was like a mad dog screaming JOEL!he proved dat he was a gentle man,he gave e umbrella and ran thru e rain!thank god!but,he was drenched..sad!:[ nth much happend aft dat!


Nth much too!quite Bored!watchin movies,keep looking at e com screen...!as time went on i didnt feel dat confessions of a shopaholic is gettin to interestin!PEACE cos didnt hv homework at all!which is unbelieved by some!omie..der is a rubberhead who keeps appearing in my mind..wat duh...!eager to catch yaar antha star finals!and i am learning to manage things in lyf and not to squeeze them all!i feel more happiness&peace!wats rong if i dun have e looks!it dosnt concern eu in anyway!cos u have originality,do you?i have fashion fever,do you?i am different,are you?:s

yea...soo i am done fer e day..cos i dun wanna be late for yaar antha star!

March 11, 2009

Mentally affected teachers harassment

Exxaaammmzzz!that word is creeping mie!yea my ca's have begun..and e creepy ting was MATHS(Mentally Affected Teachers Harrasment)..!There was a blank screen running before my eyes wen i saw e paper..!But i noe its simple fer sum ppl out der..english&maths stress is over...SCIENCE&TAMIL!!tink cn cope lar..oops..didnt expect darlz C.brown to do dis..ABUSEMENT(open it if eu want)..haiz..craving for donut factory's double choc..!realised dat have been craving for choclatez since 2day morning..lolx!hahaha..cant stop tinking bout e lecture jus deserve it_____!cos eu behave like one and eu need to learn to be a matured person..its tym fer eu to cange youir childish character!duh oni ting eu now hw to do is 'giggling'...have to walk over to st.24 ltr sia..havin bad flu..have became a sneezing machine i guess..!*giggles*walau you all tink i am a superwomen ar...4 of eu giving me ur so called authograph book and askin to return by 1 day sia!k..its tym 4 me to go get readii..Buh-Bye!!!its e 4th tym i am hearing my dad's callin mie!

waitin fer 14th march!

March 07, 2009

Little miss Chatterbox

Phew...soo full!!!Went to sharaton towers 2dae..go treated by my little precious! yea..happie fer her realationship!The Place was damn traditional..E food was so shiokalicious!lolx..From e starter to appetizer to dessert..everything was perfect!I especially loved the tempting chocolate don!It melted in my mouth..e funniest thing was i could not stand the sourness of the orange sorbet and made some weird face reaction..haha...omg this weekends are like going to be my *revision* weekends..Ca's next week..i tink i should nt bring down mr.ho's high hopes on me..e oni thing i hv to get on wid is *maths*.ya *maths**maths**maths*. Soo fast sports day readii seh..!ULYSSES!!!yest went to meet up wid sakinah our sweet blood sucked by the flies..eww!But her blood was sweeter den mine..hehe..Got labeled Little miss chatterbox&Little miss Naughty by_____sum1..tnx alot!:)Eager fer my splendid sundays...Bies...

March 04, 2009


AARRGGHH!!!Did i jus hear dat..?CA1!!mus score 75&above fer maths!huh...Mr.HO!:S
y mus maths exist in e world...!It'll be better if i 4get bout dis and look into my future...!
Did not go to school yest...was feelin bad like hell..and dey like made a big fuss bout it.Mus do the north-south research..tution hme.w.wanna go early fer tution 2day..atleast i cn slack fer awhile..
Hope 2days end will turn out to be good.. lolx..was tokin to sakinah about 'naree' jus nw..she is like a big laughing stock..k..its time fer me to say Buh-Bye!:)