December 28, 2009

Its a big shopping tomorrow,yea!

Sony erricson T707,I want!!!
Peepos,I gotta make this a "Short" post.Went for registration at hong kah the other day and to my suprise there are more fuhuarians than i expected.I am in class "1D".If i am not wrong there are only 4 express classes-1A,1B,1C,1D.Theres one fuhua boy in my class but i dont know who is he.Saw enemy,he/she is in the same school but diff stream.I wish myself goodluck!Who cares about it right now anyways.I know i'm mean sometimes but theres no other way.Going to get bag,waterbottle and school stuff tomorrow.Yeah,going to check out my black shoe.Mom promised me a converse shoe for school.Might be getting a new phone but not sure.F.Y.I,My phone is totally dead!Anyways,I am in the 'alpha house'.Christmas was fun,finally recieved my earing stand.Now at cousin's place.Gonna eat lunch soon.Stomachs grumble,havent eat breakfast.Thats why.Okay,I think times up.Taata!

December 22, 2009

Hola peepos!I know it's a long long long time since i updated and posted.Just gimme some time,cos my com's dead and i'll get it repaired soon.Lets talk about what's happening recently but i have to keep it short.Kay lets start with PSLE results.I got 193.Was not satisfied but still happy that i'm going to express.The most glad thing is that i passed all my subjects and finally got an 'A' for English which was slipping off my hands so easily.And for school choices i wanted Hong kah so it was my first choice and others were just neighbourhood schools too.Mom and dad were very surpportive with school choices.They went on with my wish.But mom also wanted "Hong kah".And yeah not self praising,but i am very lucky as i have been posted to hong kah.I know it's difficult to get your first choice.Phew.Cuzzie didnt manage to get her first choice but she got her first choice which is "Swiss cottage" the school that i wanted to go before i changed my mind after getting my score.But then i told her that it would be tiring to travel from woodlands to bukit batok as days pass and classes icreases.But i guess she's fine with it.Today went to collect PSLE cert.Not forgetting,sis is going to sec 5 with 13 points(:.I'm happy for her.I am going to buy a new backpack for next year,i dont care*.heh.And its gonna be billabong.Checked it out already,$59.90,its with 3 compartments.And for water bottle Nike or addidas.Kay i think i gotta run soon.I'm going shopping with mum and sis at suntec.Basically would be for christmas.Will be bak soon.Tata.