March 27, 2010

Happy belated B'dayy!

Happy 30th B'dayy hema ka,Love youh!!

Today's quite a long dayy for me.Woke up left to IMM bought assesments books,memory card and usb cable.Ate lunch,came home now rushing to suntec to get important stuff for hema ka's suprise bash and the gift.After gotta dress up and go for the party.Woosh..

March 26, 2010

Pheww,after construction!

Holaaaa!Blog just returned aft construction.Not able to post at the moment.Will try to post alternate dayss.Its a promise this time.But if a day skipped,Do excuse me ppl.SA1's are near the corner,

March 18, 2010

Shantika rawks mann!

Yawr!Went to Orchid Country Club with shantika,uncle paska,ashley,pavi,sonia and navin.We swam there for more than 6 hours.Soo shiok sia,at first i was damn freaking scared to go on the slide.All of them were encouraging me soo ,much especially this navin was pulling me.Thanks alot ppl,ILY.Finally i overcomed the fear,woohoo..Bowling place was fully booked as some competiton was going on.IT was such a greatt dayy.While going bakk to shantika's house was checking my phone and there was a miss call from hong kah.Called back and they asked to call on the next working dayy probably because it was late alr.Went home,helped shanti ka update her I-phone.Yeahh,soo should keep the post short and sweet.Adios..

March 15, 2010

ILY Shantika&Ashley,Muahh!

Heyylows Dudes(:!I'm at shantika's place now.Ashley kutti is right beside me now.We had lottsa fun today..She has dance class tomorrow,last minute only.damn!Will be going to orchid country club on wednesday with ratna darling.Will post soon,tatas!

March 12, 2010

Khamilah's soo nicee(:

Hanged out with Prema and Khamilah darling after school.Lepak at khami house there then go home.Ate lunch,wanted to use the net to update my cyber world which i am addicted to:P.Now need to bathe,mom and dad coming back home fast to bring me along with them to woodlands.Will stay there till late.Now,i gotta run,times up bebeh,heheehs!Tatass.

March 11, 2010

Convers between me and prema!xoxo!

She is demanding me to come to school.hahahas.

March 09, 2010

Flu,shoo shoo!!

Yawr readers!Hows life for yall,mine suckss for today!Having a terrible flu.Hope it recovers by night.Fingers crossed.Took medicine already,probably gonna rest for awhile to feel much better.Tuition for last week was postponed to today but only sis will be having as i am not feeling well.I guess mine will have to be tomorrow.Disappointed as didnt do well for 2nd hist test,damn got to work harder.Hope Isnina and Aishah lasts long:]!I am counting the amount of tissues i have used and its countless,issh.Cant blog anymore for now,getting more sick.Byeee!

March 05, 2010


Kk,running out of time ppl..Today made cupcakes,and the first attempt was a success.Mommy was glad.Will talk more abt this post soon.!

March 04, 2010

Friday Rules!

0okayss,Eyllos!Tdy,overslept and bad flu.Didnt turn up for school.Sadsad.But recovered alr.Was chatting wid prema syg.Ily.Mom was telling about saturdays prayers for granny.After 4 was alone at home,ringed up sonia darling and was talking our own stories and we were like laughing.Now her pressure has like seriously increase like what i expected and posted in other posts before.Hope things change for better for her.Yeahh,now gotta go and figure out things for tomorrow my 'Favourite Friday!'.hehes.Tatass.

March 03, 2010

Sec 2 boyss,Watch out.Hate yall.

Okay this gonna be a one minute post.Today school was awesome!Stayed back with aishah,isnina and so on to help mr.koh in some cut outs.Didnt expect it to take so long.Me and pavi are undergoing an misunderstand.andd,I hate those Sec 2 boys to the core mann."Mr Hyper",i hated you today for a second.Will continue this post 2moro.Tatas

March 02, 2010

Priority or Option?

Eyllos everybody...School is getting busier!More Common tests,Homework and PRESSURE.Infact,yesterday for maths we were like given 32 quests.Suckks man.Will update long posts from tomorrow onwards.Trying to use the com alternately.Mr '333' is missing for a week and Mr 'Hyeper' got questioned by DM right infront of me today.Hahahas,I feel mean after laughing,giler eh.Okokok,now must go already lurhh,haiys.Tatas.