September 24, 2011

Hi . I am currently on study mode . Sorry people <3

HEY HEY . It's two weeks since I updated I think . But , im pretty busy (:
& this whole week I was covered with blankets and medicines . High fever and lost voice . Whatthehell , end of year paper's are just around the corner . It's okay , I'm catching up at home . I really feel great after practicing Maths . Now I'm addicted , starting to love Maths ! <3 Hahahahahah , can you believe it ? From today I'm on study mode , which means I have turned over a new leaf now . & you can expect good results from . I'll try to update okay ? Eight days of school , 11 days left to brush up . & the third weekend from now is my FOURTEENTH 
Heeheeheee , Wheeeee (:
Alright , gonna write letter for bigbrother and then study . Buhbye (:
Love ,
SheevangiSK <3

September 13, 2011


Hey people (:
It's been hours , since I officially certify my FB account dead for a month .
Doing that was a good choice indeed xD Lesser distraction , exams are less than a month away . Today was sucky -.- But awesome once I returned home  Did math revision BEYBEH ! Teehees , focus getting better !
Okay , I miss my woodlands mikeys !
I wanna watch miss universe noww .
Nights & Toodles !
Happily ever after ,
Sheevangi SK 

September 09, 2011

Hey you , stop confusing me ♥

W A S S U P ! 
Its the holiday week and nothing seemed to keep me entertained. Excluding the last two days . Wednesday night was the overnight prayers for big brother . Managed to keep up my alertness , after individual breaks the whole thing ended at 6 . The guys came back from the sea at around seven . Came back home and knocked out:D 
In the evening , had to go to temple for the evening prayers . It was more of a family-bonding there !What else can be more awesome than spending time within the short hours with your family ♥ At the end of the tiring day , when i went to bed ,all i could think of was for him to have peace there. 
Delightedly ,
SheevangiSK ♥

September 06, 2011

Will you cross the skies for me ?

H-E-Y !

Once again , i had no time to update . 
Ca's were stressful , common test's were a mess .
Too many incidents have taken place in weeks . 
Wednesday , 24th august ;
I was studying for three back-to-back tests .
Trying to put so much of things in my head ,
 and a call ruined it all.
Mom , recieved a call saying cousin passed away . 
Obviously , mom thought the person was joking . 
Who would ever think his life would go this early ? 
The moment the truth was confirmed , the house was only filled with mom's screams , tears and refusals.
 I knew , that me being strong is gonna help ,
 many loved ones emotionally . 
There was no way i was gonna continue studying ,
 in the state i was. 
Left with no other option , i had to skip school for that week . 
The funeral ritual's took place in yishun .. 
And , till today i cant accept the fact that he's not around . 
We cant stop the god , right ? He has a reason for everything (: 
To those , who have been a strong pillar for me ! Thanks people , your love's appreicated much (: Having , the usual one week term break that will end in an eye blink -.-
Its time , i started bucking up on studies . But only these few days that i wanna rest :P 
LOL , i am sure i will study la . Alrights , updates later .
Bored & Confused ,
SheevangiSK ♥