August 12, 2012

I have nobaaady, for my own ~

Hello, awesome people. <3
It has been a weird week. It started off really upsetting. But, that way, I have learnt to discard the two-faced chameleons from my circle. Enough of me being taken advantage off. It has always been my nature to forgive easily. Boohoo, this time round, it isn't going to be that easy. Didn't the elders say, learn from your experiences? I can't disagree much. Leaving the bitter start, the rest of the week turned out well. Met the cuzziewuzzies on the eve of ND. As usual, catch-up sessions with ratatat brings me joy from nowhere. The following evening, spent some quality time with Durga dearest after decades. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to catch the fireworks this year :( May my wish be enlightened the upcoming year. Hmmm, the rest of the week went normal. Not much quality time with mom and dad this week. It has been a lazy Sunday and I'm being so lifeless. Planning to ditch school and home-study tmrw. Let's see how the day goes. Catch up soonzxcs :D

To the sexy boy, having proved me wrong, your inhumanity has made you lose a second chance. Let me tell you, words do hurt. I ain't your scapegoat.
May happiness be with you.

Turning over a new leaf,
Sheevangisk. <3

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