August 03, 2012

Somewhere over the rainbow <3

Hey you, beautiful people. <3
It has been MONTHS since I updated. Missed blogging very much, however I needed the time for other priorities. Several ups and downs over the months have polished me into a brighter girl! As the kiddo in me still ponders to do the silly things, the growing-up me is preventing boo-boo's from happening. Academic wise, I have been bucking up and the effort's have been real productive :D Comeon, after the happiness comes my studies. I just wanna get done and over with secondary school, with a year more to go! As usual with the supportive family, my saddest moments always have an end. Not excluding, the annoying bestfriend, G. Oh yes, after fifteen years, I have finally picked up time-management. It's a NO to further procrastination. Huhuhu, now I can't be finding an excuse for not blogging eh. Hmmmm, it seems like I just celebrated 2012 days ago and I'm staring at August 3rd now. After an EXHAUSTING week, I needa catch some sleep! Xoxo. Adios!
Lots of love,
Sheevangisk. <3

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