April 07, 2009

♫Missin eu ppl!! ♫

To describe today....nt bad!it was as normal except for some '___' situations!mr.ho dismissed us slightly late at 1.10!went home wid ashley!surfed the net crazily!k,i noe i shld nt have said dat...but eu made me!But,both of us regreted in the end!
just forget it...everythings back to normal!lovin eu....♥! OoPss!forgot to practise the recorder thingy!nvm...!
Btw tomorrow is panguni veri,eager to go to temple!haha
Missin many of my loved ones: ♥♥♥♥♥Sonia,Navin,Prema,Sugha,Barathi,Shini,Vinod,annehs,♥♥♥♥♥

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