April 14, 2009


urgh..!gettin sick of skool nwdays..!But tl class jus rocks..!prema didnt attend tuition yesterday!
WAT!!!i cant believe i got 40/50 for my maths common test..unbeliveble!i suck in maths..!soo sad:(!The three muskeeters were irritating me and sugha like hell sia..!lucky i was patient..!if nt i would hv jus pushed them in e road n walked off.!haha..soo mean of mie!:p!jus starting to ignore some ppl***!annoyin ppl...!2dae is tamil new year..!soo sad...cnnt see my hotstuff 2dae..!
S_____I...i hate eu!damn it!spoilin my mood each day..!Super annoying means YOU!
Look like mouse,yet capable of many things..!:3!2dae seem to be short..bcos of something..!
came to noe tons of truth 2dae...!tnx alot(!)too pissed off to type anymore...!will blog 2moro..!

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