April 01, 2009


Thank god!i was nearly late 2dae!Haiz..practised last minute for the pirates of carribean-song piece!but ended up,ms.ong said i no need to play 2dae but next week!*applause* for Farhan for getting fullmarks for the test!I tink i am really very very patient!But i cant stand it anymore!understand ppl(!)(?)eu noe whu eu r!i oso wanna tell eu that ur character stinks!
Tamil class was damn funy 2dae!congrats for the fall abi!haha!
Sakinah has the recite the tl pledge tomorrow for assembly..She is soo damn confident!
i dunnoe y!btw..no remedial 2moro!yea!2dae was damn boring!there was a big fuss about april fool day 2dae in my class...today is april fool day..SO!!!???oops!my times runnin out!gotta run for tuition!bies!

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