June 04, 2009

I am such a JOKE!

Kay.Nobody will know the reason y i have not been blogging the past few days.I'm currently packing stuff to leave to Sonia-Navin hse.Awaiting to see them.I am confused what to bring.erh..and i am alone.Mom and sis will oni be back at 12.Guess what..I have not eaten since morning.Unbelievable.!!ME?WTH..i dunno where i left my phone.*sharkss*..I can't find it and i am like awaiting a bloody call.I am really a big joke in this post.OMG...it was like under the bed.I will be happy if my phone has the ability to respond to my questions.Dream long long...dear nephew is so irritating nowdays.no idea wats gotten into that naughty rascal!Cant blame him.Still a little child.haha.Now..i seriously forgot bout packing.Byesssssss!I am gonna be deaddd!!!

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