June 23, 2009

"Y are the 60% of students soo dumb??"

Once again...its a decade since i blogged..Didnt hv the time!Sry ppl.Btw,Happy Fathers Day!2009's running damn fast..and i seriously hate it!err.Prelims are soo near and i have to get prepared.The holidays were nt bad.Bintan trip was cancelled due to the increase of H1N1.40% of students wants the extend of school holidays but the remaining 60% does nt.I am with the 40%."Y are the 60% of students soo dumb??"!Nowdays i dont know who to believe and who to nt.will be going over with sis to cuzzies place.
Shld be going to yishun for swimming.But its confirm gonna be bored as there are only '2' pools.Sis is nt coperating with me!She is soo soo annoying!!kay..i have no more words as i gotta go.BYE!

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