September 04, 2009

I wish i was invisible as you make me feel!

Tamil marks was a blast to me..i nearly teared!Sakinah,thanks for your support.Atleast i remained in my "A"!In el class today we got back into groups but new groups.Some of them were iscolated.I am sitting with nigel.Infront is Syahirah(:.Tamil only i changed seat due to some relationship prob.Now am sitting at the other corner of the class...Mr Ho is such a killer.OOPS!Its true.He asked us to finish 5 worksheets by monday.2 maths booklet..2 english booklet..1 science booklet..IISH!Monday-Wednesday there's supp lessons,8.30 to 4.30!I hope i gain something from it.Earlier opposite school I,Ley yi,Farhan S and sakinah were talking and playing..suddenly the new DM i guess Mrs lim came and gave a lecture.IT was soo____!After she left we couldnt stop laughing..!Went back home around 4.15!

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