September 03, 2009

Let's chalte chalte!

Dayss have passed..Times are passing..Many things are happening..There's only a month more for PSLE!prelim results were disappointing!As I said to some,we are not going to gain anything by regretting now.Dont be hard on yourselves ppl!Now's the time to do your revision!Kay,i am not advicing like an adult or being studious,it's just that i know how the experience is(: Nowdays I feel weird to go to tamil class.Till now..i regret why 07Aug'09 existed!haiss.I'm really missing someone's jokes now.Now me and that person are like we dont know each other.It's ok he wants to be like this,I'm fine with it.Oops..I confessed that it's a him.Nvm..let it be a HIM!I am still thinking...

WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now i dun know what was i trying to do.I guess i'm getting crazier everyday.Dad's away..and that makes me 20% more crazier.;)!I guess tomorrow's PE will be more than one period!WooHoo!!!We P6's need a break in a whole week of studying K!I'm scared my express dreams will be burnt..!!!I better be positive minded la!Yesterday..went for granny's 84th B'day!Love her lots!Nowdays i am trying to save money..i dunno y.Deepavali's in a month time.One day after my B'dae..*Wee*!hehe.Will be giving my tailoring costumes soon.I wanna try something new this year.Oh no!Talking about deepavali,I just realised that it is PSLE marking day on my B'dae!!Disappointed and a lil happy!!haha..i know i am odd!There is this phrase that i forgotten after some time and just remebered it recently..!How i could i forget it!!Shit..I still have 3/4 of my homework to complete!

We are travelling down the love lane,it's time to chalte chalte!!

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