September 17, 2009

Mr Independent,Thats why i like him♥

Alot of things have happened in the past few days!!Sad..Funny..Happy..Disappointing.Yesterday there was this excursion for PSLE improvement for tamil.It was from 1.30 to 5.30 at clementi pri.We girls wanted to sit at the back of the bus but the boys were "Gentlemans" who sat at the back row knowing that we wanted to.Soo after we reached there Mrs suresh went somewhere and the thing started.Teachers took turns to come and talked about every ok and kinda fun.I felt wierd for the whole trip as i was near to this person everywhere i went.He/She suddenly made me blush and i didnt stop it!hahaa..My prepaid finished and i waiting to top up..cos mom actually wanted to..but i told her that i will rather by the $25 card that has an amount of $100!To the ppl who messaged me sorries for the late reply..cos my batt was dead and i didnt see my phone.Bestie messaged me asking "Do u still like "erhmm"?!Not once but twice..And i think someone is asking her to as she asked me this quest two days ago also.I think i gotta mind's confused!
PS:Gaya,Why do u worry if tl teacher knows about ur relationship??It's notanyones fault that she came to know about it..The person u thought who told felt very upset cause she was the first one to be very scared seeing euu different in the bus.soo its up to euu to decide!

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