February 09, 2010

My grandmothers the best!!!♥ ♥ ♥

Above will be some memorable photos...
Hello!I'm backk.Didnt go to school on Friday,Monday.This was what happened.On friday,morning felt abit unusual but it was fine.Ard 7 i was walking to the busstop and bloody 187 just left but then i thought it was still early.When the second one came i saw sister walking towards me from the opposite busstop bursting out in tears.Very terrifying.The conversation...
Pavi:Looks at me.
Me:What happened?
Pavi:Sheeva,Patti(granny) passed away.
Me:What!Are you kidding me.(couldnt control tears)
I started crying and crying,we walked back home.We could hear mom crying when we were at the gate already.It made me cry more.Immediately we packed our stuff and cabbed down to aunts place @ woodlands. We were one of the early ones.I ran to granny's room and saw siblings there,at that moment i couldnt accept it that granny's gone.But i started to.Mom couldnt control herself.Hema sis crying together with her controlled her.I have to regret some things.On that day we had a small prayer people came to visit and the next day was the funeral,the day i cried almost every hour.I couldnt take it,everything seemed like a dream to me.The time came when we had to send her off to the cremetorium.There were 2 buses that will bring people to the crematorium.But i went with mum and godmom in Brother-in-law's car.We were barefoot.When i stepped into the crematorium it was freaking cold.After doing the rights,they brought us to this place where we will see granny in the coffin for the last time going into the burning place.But there was this glass infront of us.We;her children and grandchildren were in the front row.Everyone cried more at that moment.After that we went back to aunts place and stayed over.To forget everything and be happy so that grandma will be also be happy,cuzzies were consoling me and we played Nitendo wii that night.Brother also consoled me and kind of forced me to eat macdonalds.The next day they went to put the ashes in the sea.Soo yea.This thursday there will be another prayer that we have to offer granny her fav food.I have to rush there after school.Prayer is at 2 and school finishes at 1.30.
To patti:I miss you and love you lots.You are the best.Rest in peace.

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