February 03, 2010


Heyo peeps!Back after a long long time.But from today i will try my best to update everyday.Cos,My com has returned after servicing:)!School is going fine.Just sat for my math common test last week not sure if i'll do well.Tomorrow,there is Hist test and i have not even started revising.Oh god,Workload has increased alot man.Anyw,for CCA i have choosed NPCC.Funny uh?But then i like the benefits thats why.Classmates are so funny,gosh my funny bones are always being tickles;P.Some people are up with attitude problems and they are just too annoying but seriously i cant be bothered.Granny's condition is getting worster,i guess theres only a month left and i know i wont be able to take it:'( .I am just praying really hard.Kay,now tons of homeworks waiting for me.Will update tomorrow.Tata!Till then,

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