February 27, 2010

You are everywhere I am just like my reflection♥


Heyy all.I am trying to post frequently.I know i have been saying this in most of the posts,but this time i will really make it possible.School is going good.Recently there quite alot of changes in class.1D is no longer existing and we have been moved to 1C.There are still a few students from the "Ex 1C" in the new 1C.The sad thing is the teachers have changed,i mean some.Our ex form teacher is now our co-FT.My FT is this guy call Mr.koh whom i didnt like and like a little now.EL teacher changed to Miss Koh.Yess,i think thats all.Hmm,i am trying to resist it but i cant,damn.He just appears wherever i go,somehow it happens.So far only Cinoneh(aishah) knows about everything+secrets.Shh..!She is trying to help me and i really appreciate it:].Hope she last longs with Varden.Eh varden ng,better take care of my friend kayss.hehehs.Sry to those who were trying to visit my blog the past few days it was under construction and now its bak ro normal aites.Missed NPCC again,shit.Have to catch up from next week.I just hate those girls who try to be as girly as possible when they cant make it,includes altering their skirt them short cnnt tahan,seriously.They make 'our' bloods boil sia.Cinoneh,know who i am refering to rite?Kay,guess thats it for today.Tatas.


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