April 14, 2009


urgh..!gettin sick of skool nwdays..!But tl class jus rocks..!prema didnt attend tuition yesterday!
WAT!!!i cant believe i got 40/50 for my maths common test..unbeliveble!i suck in maths..!soo sad:(!The three muskeeters were irritating me and sugha like hell sia..!lucky i was patient..!if nt i would hv jus pushed them in e road n walked off.!haha..soo mean of mie!:p!jus starting to ignore some ppl***!annoyin ppl...!2dae is tamil new year..!soo sad...cnnt see my hotstuff 2dae..!
S_____I...i hate eu!damn it!spoilin my mood each day..!Super annoying means YOU!
Look like mouse,yet capable of many things..!:3!2dae seem to be short..bcos of something..!
came to noe tons of truth 2dae...!tnx alot(!)too pissed off to type anymore...!will blog 2moro..!

April 11, 2009

GoOd FrIdAy!

My blog was inactive for 3 days...!verii bz!:)hahax...to say bout e 3 days:

Wednesday[8 april]
nothing much!school ended at 12:30...went home wid sakinah&Le min...
It was Panguni!yay...!(?)chatted wid sonia babe&navin!Their
*war* nvr ends....!

Thats all 4 e day..!

Thursday[9 april]

nvr go skool!...:(...nth much!

Friday[10 april]

Went to visit granny...went to sonia-navin house..!chit-chat-chit-chat-chit-chat...!

Rani aunty ordered KFC & PIZZA!had a feast..!den we were talking 'crap'...played some stuff till 10.30,took a bus down to cathay cinema..!catched e movie 'AYAN' at 11.15...

ended only at 2.15!loved the HOTSTUFF in e movie!<3...damn..navin&pavi>

dreaming in lala-land!lolx...

Saturday[11 april]

Woke up...roamed ard da hse for fun...!muahaha..!was friendstering&blogging..!

watched a few dance videos...!Navin jus came back and he is leaving to causeway point once again!asshole..!He is inviting me fer his soccer training..should i go..?...?

i dunnoe...!gonna go out soon..!will be updating soon!bies..!:))

April 07, 2009

♫Missin eu ppl!! ♫

To describe today....nt bad!it was as normal except for some '___' situations!mr.ho dismissed us slightly late at 1.10!went home wid ashley!surfed the net crazily!k,i noe i shld nt have said dat...but eu made me!But,both of us regreted in the end!
just forget it...everythings back to normal!lovin eu....♥! OoPss!forgot to practise the recorder thingy!nvm...!
Btw tomorrow is panguni veri,eager to go to temple!haha
Missin many of my loved ones: ♥♥♥♥♥Sonia,Navin,Prema,Sugha,Barathi,Shini,Vinod,annehs,♥♥♥♥♥

April 02, 2009


Was not in a good mood today...!but some people made my day when i stepped in skool!thanks ppl!btw.as usual skool was ok!sakinah recited the pledge!good job babe!Today whole of Mr.Ho's class were damn fun!But pe sucked abit!:((!Kasthuri is being controlled alot..!she just cant help it...and i feel that i am causing her problems..!went back home straight aft skool...watched tv,ate,turned on the com!had nth much to do!soo..jus edited some of my stuff!Dad's back!yea..!i dunno y i am excited!He bought me chocolate waffles!kies..! Pavi's back too..she wants to surf the net!

April 01, 2009

it's me talking.

Well saraaaah's writing here i just wanna say hey,hi,bye.


Thank god!i was nearly late 2dae!Haiz..practised last minute for the pirates of carribean-song piece!but ended up,ms.ong said i no need to play 2dae but next week!*applause* for Farhan for getting fullmarks for the test!I tink i am really very very patient!But i cant stand it anymore!understand ppl(!)(?)eu noe whu eu r!i oso wanna tell eu that ur character stinks!
Tamil class was damn funy 2dae!congrats for the fall abi!haha!
Sakinah has the recite the tl pledge tomorrow for assembly..She is soo damn confident!
i dunnoe y!btw..no remedial 2moro!yea!2dae was damn boring!there was a big fuss about april fool day 2dae in my class...today is april fool day..SO!!!???oops!my times runnin out!gotta run for tuition!bies!