May 04, 2009


Oops!was inactive in blogger for more than 2 weeks..!sorry...!
Basically nth much happened..!I would oni tok about one special day among those weeks..!
26 APRIL 2009:
woke up damn early...rushed to JE popular to meet Mrs.suresh and my tl darlings..!Suprisingly she brought her cutie pie along..!=)!quickly boarded the bus to aljunied and took a taxi to mediacorp...It was damn crowded went we entered the most inspiring tl teacher award hall..!What we were eager for was the results..!
it came sooner..We all got off our seats and started cheering when the host announced that mrs.suresh got it..!
We recieved medals too..!the lucky draw prizes were soo soo worth it...unluckily..none of us got it!:(
we went to tekka for lunch..!Thanks for the treat asiriyaye..!Finally we went back ard 5.30 with smiling faces..!
WAH...i know i used good english..and its wierd..!
First thing in e morning,was showered with *wonderful* rain water..!met my darlings opposite skool...!we shared ONE umbrella and ran like crazy pigs to skool..!First ting we did was to wish mrs suresh...had to report straight to class for temperature taking..!(arrgh..SWINE FLU)!soo sad sia..time table suspended..'tnx alot'...!
after recess waited for mom to pass me the cake..!I gaya3,geetha went to level 2 staffroom to put the cake...but we knocked and knocked and knocked,finally a malay teacher helped us..!went to class aranged tables..did maths..el..i was not soo interested as i was lookin forward for something..stop..!class was just bored..!
i dun wanna tok bout it..!
B'dae bash..!:
After meeting...mrs suresh came down,we celebrated her b'dae..!Ms.taha was like wah..ur students celebrating!and my teacher was like 'eu all arh...'!E funniest thing was we pranked mrs suresh that the toilet was vandalised..when she entered the toilet we sprayed the crazy ribbon and burst the party poppers..!But she sprayed it back at all of us..damn..!it was such a memorable and fun time..!love eu asiriyaye..! <3
Hanged out wid darlings and returned home..!
Happy B'dae asiriyaye..!love eu lots!<3

I am too LAZY...!

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