June 25, 2009

"Glory Glory Man United"!

aww...My stomachs soo full at the moment.Granny made me eat dinner when i didnt want to.err GRANNY!It's ok..she says the best!(:I am with my cuzzies nw.Was supposed to go for a swim today but it was postponed tomorrow..soo just slacked,played soccer and badminton.Ard 5-6 we just went to Grab some snacks and Grannys maid came along..actually she was quite a extra calefare.hehe.I know i am bad at times.I dont know y ppl tink jus bcos C.ronaldo went to real madrid Man.United is gonna lost.Itssoo nt right!Man.United has much better players out there.
So i will still say"Glory Glory Man United"!OMG...the quizzes in FB are going mad!I guess they have contracted my usual disease.MAD.COW.DISEASE!hahas.I hope i wont wake up late 2moro as how i waked up today.Actually i do get soo irritated when i enter cuzzies room.He has filled his room with liverpool stuff.What to do.Thats what die hard fans tend to do like me.He gets soo excited then ronaldo has left.Soo what huh.I still like him.I feel that vasanthams afternoon shows are soo soo boring.I'll rather watch some dance videos!Wow..its like oni 5 more days for skool..damn damn damn!I hope that time stops.I am craving for donuts again...hmm!I am sucha Donut Crazy.Maybe in future should marry a donut factory owner..!kk..i am jus jk.Cos.i better nt say anything.shh!k,sonia if eu are reading this blog..i jus wanna tell you that i am sorry for jsut know.i didnt mean it but i was too pissed off.Omg facebooks getting more and more and more and more popular.I can find my whole family in facebook.WTH!k.i shld go do something with my darlings.Sayonara.=DD

June 23, 2009

"Y are the 60% of students soo dumb??"

Once again...its a decade since i blogged..Didnt hv the time!Sry ppl.Btw,Happy Fathers Day!2009's running damn fast..and i seriously hate it!err.Prelims are soo near and i have to get prepared.The holidays were nt bad.Bintan trip was cancelled due to the increase of H1N1.40% of students wants the extend of school holidays but the remaining 60% does nt.I am with the 40%."Y are the 60% of students soo dumb??"!Nowdays i dont know who to believe and who to nt.will be going over with sis to cuzzies place.
Shld be going to yishun for swimming.But its confirm gonna be bored as there are only '2' pools.Sis is nt coperating with me!She is soo soo annoying!!kay..i have no more words as i gotta go.BYE!

June 12, 2009

Love eu neh!

Phew...just returned from the swimming pool.Had a great time out there!
But i wont forget till nw what happened aft i got off the slide...."Shh"!
When we were in the jaccuzi...Sonia was creating some bubbles of her own ....I started cracking.Aft that went to grab some food.
Kay...Just as usual like every month,bro's memories are returning.
Yest..b4 sleeping started tearing.Only we know the great bond we had.
We were too close at know affections.....!I have only hope know.He will be back soon!Its ur B'dae 2moro...HAPPY B"DAE!Love eu neh...

June 11, 2009

"Hold me tight and never let go"

Kays..its an decade since i posted!Whenever i wanted to.will forget..
Too forgetful.hehe.Cuzzies came over.Its fun than ever as the house is more happening.Planning to go for a swim 2moro.Hope i dun forget to put sunlotion again.Only i noe how burnt i got the previous time!I didnt dare wear any sleeveless tops.Navins blabbering some crap nw.I dont understand anything.Granny's back.There are *spammers* out there looking down on indians and bangladesh's!I can only tell eu all one tink..eu all are nt sensible.Currently craving for MAC milkshake and donuts..Letss see whether i can fill it up.Got to ciao to thr Rental shop to return the cds.

June 04, 2009

I am such a JOKE!

Kay.Nobody will know the reason y i have not been blogging the past few days.I'm currently packing stuff to leave to Sonia-Navin hse.Awaiting to see them.I am confused what to bring.erh..and i am alone.Mom and sis will oni be back at 12.Guess what..I have not eaten since morning.Unbelievable.!!ME?WTH..i dunno where i left my phone.*sharkss*..I can't find it and i am like awaiting a bloody call.I am really a big joke in this post.OMG...it was like under the bed.I will be happy if my phone has the ability to respond to my questions.Dream long long...dear nephew is so irritating nowdays.no idea wats gotten into that naughty rascal!Cant blame him.Still a little child.haha.Now..i seriously forgot bout packing.Byesssssss!I am gonna be deaddd!!!

June 02, 2009

Snack BAR!

Today nth much happened...I couldnt study in the aft.n.
Shd have started studies earlier.Changed outing date with geetha on Wed as will be going bugis tomorrow for shopping with mommy.Sorry geetha.
I dunnoe y..sumppl jus showed off their attitude like nobody buisness today to me.I seriously cant be bothered if eu want to show attitude.
Went to snack bar earlier.Pavi,thanks for the treat:).
Godmom..this is for eu.You are the best and don't give up.I am always there for you.Hope your op goes well.kay.ppl all over my hse are calling me.gotta ciao.!