September 29, 2009

This blog would be dead/inactive for 2 weeks!


I'm taking a break from the net.No more Facebook/MSN/Blogger so on and so forth!!Now it is going to be books in my hand.It's only one more week more for my major papers!ZOMG! ready to see this dead blog till 15-16 days.But if you have to be linked or anything..just tag me as my chatbox is not gonna be dead!GoodBye.Jiayous to all friends:)

"Ana behibak"
If euu were smart,you'll know what it means.
Till then..BYEEE!!!!!!!!!!

September 24, 2009

My barack obama<33

Hey ppl!Long time no post!Muahaha!Wont be updating for a long long time till 12th October i guess..soo euu have to wait!!!Soo just tag me if you want me to relink.Dayss are going fast..friends are getting loose!:P Love euu guys!Esp..him!Flying colours..jia yous!

September 17, 2009

Mr Independent,Thats why i like him♥

Alot of things have happened in the past few days!!Sad..Funny..Happy..Disappointing.Yesterday there was this excursion for PSLE improvement for tamil.It was from 1.30 to 5.30 at clementi pri.We girls wanted to sit at the back of the bus but the boys were "Gentlemans" who sat at the back row knowing that we wanted to.Soo after we reached there Mrs suresh went somewhere and the thing started.Teachers took turns to come and talked about every ok and kinda fun.I felt wierd for the whole trip as i was near to this person everywhere i went.He/She suddenly made me blush and i didnt stop it!hahaa..My prepaid finished and i waiting to top up..cos mom actually wanted to..but i told her that i will rather by the $25 card that has an amount of $100!To the ppl who messaged me sorries for the late reply..cos my batt was dead and i didnt see my phone.Bestie messaged me asking "Do u still like "erhmm"?!Not once but twice..And i think someone is asking her to as she asked me this quest two days ago also.I think i gotta mind's confused!
PS:Gaya,Why do u worry if tl teacher knows about ur relationship??It's notanyones fault that she came to know about it..The person u thought who told felt very upset cause she was the first one to be very scared seeing euu different in the bus.soo its up to euu to decide!

September 11, 2009

Neoprintss..accesories..badge..friendship bandss!!!

It was kinda fun today!Went to jp with Geetha and gaya3!!As usual..took neoprintss..then played this stupidd game!!funny ahhaha!Walked around bought ice cream..badges..accesories..frienship bandss!!Bussed back home with geets as gaya3 took another buss!Hanged ard with her under her block for awhile.Her puppy was soo adorable...Issh!Will be uploading the photos soon..!Off to "Pasar malam"(i guess thats how it is spelled..:P) with sis((:..TOODLES!

September 07, 2009

Hmm..whos the lucky one to get MJ's gloves???

Omggg!!!!!!!!Someone get me a ticket to Australia and give me $$$$$ too!!!!I am dying to bid for MJ's gloves!Unbelivable..they are on auction!Hmmm..Guess who's the lucky onee.I hope prince jackson and blanket will take over thier father and be better..soo by then i will be earning and will afford to get anything that belongs MJ.Maybe larhss..HAHAHA!No more words..SPEECHLESS!

September 05, 2009

Editings are not perfect yet!

Found few perfect skins..Soo i tried out one at the moment.I had no time to do all the editings..
Will be back soon to finish it up good bye((:!

September 04, 2009

I wish i was invisible as you make me feel!

Tamil marks was a blast to me..i nearly teared!Sakinah,thanks for your support.Atleast i remained in my "A"!In el class today we got back into groups but new groups.Some of them were iscolated.I am sitting with nigel.Infront is Syahirah(:.Tamil only i changed seat due to some relationship prob.Now am sitting at the other corner of the class...Mr Ho is such a killer.OOPS!Its true.He asked us to finish 5 worksheets by monday.2 maths booklet..2 english booklet..1 science booklet..IISH!Monday-Wednesday there's supp lessons,8.30 to 4.30!I hope i gain something from it.Earlier opposite school I,Ley yi,Farhan S and sakinah were talking and playing..suddenly the new DM i guess Mrs lim came and gave a lecture.IT was soo____!After she left we couldnt stop laughing..!Went back home around 4.15!

September 03, 2009

Let's chalte chalte!

Dayss have passed..Times are passing..Many things are happening..There's only a month more for PSLE!prelim results were disappointing!As I said to some,we are not going to gain anything by regretting now.Dont be hard on yourselves ppl!Now's the time to do your revision!Kay,i am not advicing like an adult or being studious,it's just that i know how the experience is(: Nowdays I feel weird to go to tamil class.Till now..i regret why 07Aug'09 existed!haiss.I'm really missing someone's jokes now.Now me and that person are like we dont know each other.It's ok he wants to be like this,I'm fine with it.Oops..I confessed that it's a him.Nvm..let it be a HIM!I am still thinking...

WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!WhyWhyWhy!Why must it happen!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Now i dun know what was i trying to do.I guess i'm getting crazier everyday.Dad's away..and that makes me 20% more crazier.;)!I guess tomorrow's PE will be more than one period!WooHoo!!!We P6's need a break in a whole week of studying K!I'm scared my express dreams will be burnt..!!!I better be positive minded la!Yesterday..went for granny's 84th B'day!Love her lots!Nowdays i am trying to save money..i dunno y.Deepavali's in a month time.One day after my B'dae..*Wee*!hehe.Will be giving my tailoring costumes soon.I wanna try something new this year.Oh no!Talking about deepavali,I just realised that it is PSLE marking day on my B'dae!!Disappointed and a lil happy!!haha..i know i am odd!There is this phrase that i forgotten after some time and just remebered it recently..!How i could i forget it!!Shit..I still have 3/4 of my homework to complete!

We are travelling down the love lane,it's time to chalte chalte!!