June 04, 2010

A long day today !

Heylow !

Came over to sonia 's place . am being very vetti during the hols ! hehes , took travelling as a new past time .. =P
Basically yest , i was such a scared freak .. only sonia knows whyy . Then navin came back from soccer with poovindran..Was talking stuff , and watching GOA ! (:
Obviously , GOA is the best comedy killer
Sadly , poovindran lost his wallet , oops ! They couldnt find it till the end .
Yepp , so as time passed . It was alr 10 . 00 ! Navin , sonia and myself were in the room watching tv . We didnt realise that we were actually watching the retelecast of an horror series (Uyirilla) .
Till sonia found out in the guide . We totally freaked out cos only 3 of us were in the room and we started drama-ing .
It was kinda of lame but thats us ! To make it more happening , we turned off all the lights ..
I and sonia were screaming like hell with the blanket over our heads ! hehehes ! But navin also screamed ttc at the end of the episode .
Fuyoh !! Hahahs , yeah thats it for yest .
Today , i kept extending my wake up time .LOL ! Sonia ; the earlybird , woke up early as usual . Went to watch the recorded series of kallata kalyanam ( comedy series ) ... Now just updating certain stuff ! Yep , smallgirl 's signing off . tatas !
~Frienship knows no colour ~

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