June 07, 2010

Small Girl 's gone good !

Heyloww ..

Had lots of fun yesterday , its our last day here today . So wanted to enjoy TTM , but didnt really .
Its still fine , navin left for his fren 's b'day bash very early alr !
Going , to leave soon . Hmm ! ):
Nvm , there are still other opinions . Have to go and visit keshav syg ASAP !!
Might be going to Seetha ka 's place or Shanti Ka 's place soon . Till then , boredom ! But from my perspective , i dont think its going to be . Bcos , good girl wanna study ! EOYE is not going to go easy !! DNT & GEOG 's coming up very soon in lest than a month ..
ISSH , am signing off here .

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