February 15, 2011

Co-incidental Meeting With PP ! ♥

School was GOOD ! Early for assembly , unusually . HAHA .
Lessons went well (:
Skipped tamil lesson since we were going to NLB for the leadership talk !
Boring ! Patricia Tan told me to jot down notes ! :0
It ended at nearly 5 , Girlfie's and myself left straight from there .
Went to 'Chomp on the go' , one of the awesome snack place ! ♥
As usual , when it comes to food , i and thaaniyah go loose .
Next destination , JE interchange . Both of them went to 98 busstop , (:
I was standing outside the 333 lane , fiddling with the itouch :D
To my shock , when i left up my head , i saw this figure in blue and white , Newtown Uniform walking towards me !
Overwhelmed , it was PP Babygirl ♥
So happy to see her , unfortunately i was not in the best of mood .
Sorry niecelove , I've to explain to you ♥
But we chit-chatted && my bus came , so it was time to give our big hug and say bye !
I'm being dramatic here , but thats the truth .
She knows me very well , so i'll be the stupidest infront of her !
Came back home , and right infront the computer .
Normal stuff , and to my greatest shock , Cheesedale is ATT to "that girl" .
Ohmygee , whywhy !? -.0
Totally Sad-ed ]:
HAHA ! Kayy , mr . maths is waiting for me && i cant be late for date .
So , updates soon . School's at 0930 tmr ! YAYS ! ♥
ZaraZara ; I miss you babywomann ♥
LeavingMyLove ,
Sheevangi :)

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