February 06, 2011

Stressed Sunday (:

Ohmygee , its the last day of the long CNY hols alreadyy ! Sad-ed :[[
I want the four days backk , HAHA(: ..
Tests this week , && i have only prepared 75% . Shhh .
Nono , i want to the extremely well even if its barely just a class test . Cos i know it all counts .
I have promised myself to equally be obedient & mischeivious at the app time .
Streaming this year , && i want to do extremely well in my level and get my subj combi .
Kayy , Now i'm gonna study for Science and maybe geog .
No way to distactions , see ya'll tmr people !
This week :
- Monday ; Science test
-Tuesday ; Geog Test
Vajee ; imysm !

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