December 31, 2011

It's new year eve , dude.

woah, twelve months of 2010 has passed fast or what. forgetting the bitter moments faced this year. It's all apart of life , dude. okay, so HAPPY NEW YEAR sweethearts ! counting down with just family this year , don't feel the thrill at all sia. missing so many people. & wow school's starting in two days ! Didn't get FNN & EL book on time , damn. bought puma bag , purple-checkered \m/ my everlast was out of stock but I like the puma. (: buying wallet, shoes and stationaries on monday. hoping for a better start the coming year ! mom was discharged in the afternoon today , making her follow-up on her medication. alright , new year resolution ; lose weight & get within the top 15% (: HAHAHAHAHA. No , I'm not a nerd. I'm sheevangi. (:
Alright , family time ! adios !
Lesson learnt in 2010 : Not accepting friendships, bonds and trusts in a split second.
Happy&Smiling ,
Sheevangisk. <3

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