May 26, 2009


On friday rushed home aft skool...went to Imm to get cuzzie his B'dae present from him his kind of a brown jacket...ate at mcdonald's and bought Chocolate Ice blend.In the evening went over to Sonia,navin house...Watched 13B.It was quite freaky.Saturday we left to trader's hotel as the next day was Navin's B'dae.First thing,I entered e room..i layed myself on the bed.Ard 3.30 went for a swim.Spent bout 2hours and went back to the room...lil while ltr went to tanglin mall for late lunch...!And my stomachs were too full!Went windowshopping!then bought a yummy looking muffin and went back...on the way saw navin and the boys playing frisbee in the pool screaming away!Thank god,the guests didn't complain..Once the boys were back they watched taken..while we girls were camwhoring....haha.At 9.30 aunt&uncle bought all of us Dinner...soo sad i couldnt finish my chicken biriyani!After we gave navina blast!Sunday woke up early just for a swim as we were checking out at 2pm!It was a joyful moment as we were the only one in the pool...soo we started diving like nobody buisness!Spent 3 hours in the pool and went for a bath...Packed up all the stuff..and went for lunch again and finally returned home...
I have fallen in love with Adam Lambert...

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