May 26, 2009

Didn't go to skool 2dae..dun wish to tok about it...
kies was asked to this quiz/survey!
Name 13 of your friends you can think of now;
o1: Sakinah.
o2: Prema.
o3: Gaya3.
o4: Geetha.
o5: Alice.
o6: Irdawati.
o7: Masayu.
o9: Laila.
1o: Vasanth.
11: le min.
12: Kasthuri.
13: Farhan(indian-muslim)
1) How did you meet 1o?
>Cuzzie's close one.
2) What would you do if you never meet 1?
>I would feel that there's something missing.
3) What would you do if o2 and o6 dated?
>err...i dun tink they wanna be les.
4) Have you seen o4 cry?
>nope..Indeed she's always with a smile.
5) Do you think 1o is cute?
6) How did you know o8?
>*was* my good friend during p5&p6 life.
7) Would you ever go to date with 12?
>err..she's one of my best ones..
8) What's o7 favourite colour?
> i guess it's black.
9) What would you do if o6 confess that he/she likes you ?
>Hello!!she is a girl not a les.
10) Facts about o9?
11) Who is o4 going out with?
> Currently,single.
12) Who is o5 to you ?
>understanding classmate :D
13) Would you ever live with 13 ?
> answer.
14) Is o2 single?
> Yes.
15) What do you think of o3 ?
>A very good friend.can be loved.sensitive.good personality.
16) What's the best thing about o5 ?
>She has the same character as me!
17) What do you think of 11 ?
> Friendly.
18) Favourite memory with o2 ?
>The conference call with the3muskeeters.

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