April 29, 2010

Imma Chyna Doll Again!

China doll(Backview)
Front View L8r on.Cyna doll!!!
Yest Tamil Paper was Average lurhss.Left from tution early as mom wanted me back home early.Went to cut hair Yesterday:DD Its like very short and nicee to me.I felt as if i have got back my old "China DOll' hairstyle.Weeeeee !Some ppl say should have cut shorter...Next time la.Cos during the hols i wanna colour my hair.Thaaniya syg was wanting and excited to see my hair.I promised to show her tdyy.Unfortunately,Couldnt turn up for school today.Haish..Woke up,got ready already.After drinking milo,had a terrible stomach siaaa]:
Sry,all my loved ones.Esp to davita akka,i will turn up tmr.Tatas might post l8r...

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