April 22, 2010

Knees are soo bruised!

Heyy everybody!I have decided to post almost everyday to keep this blog alive.But for one week i cant really update as its mid year exams alr.But after that,i'll start.Its confirmed that Davita akka's going to teach me tuition.Starting frm tomorrow.Weeeeee:D!Today...
This week is damn unlucky for me.Today i almost faced death, and i cant overcome the fear till now.Gosh!I was crossing the traffic light to meet shankari.Dumb me walked when the 'green man' was blinking...So when it was 'red man',i had to rush.I didnt realise the road was jaggered.I tripped and fell flat on the road with both my hands and bag!!!Can you imagine the pain?Only i know how it felt and feels now.It was burning bcos of the impact.People around me were like "are you ok?",in embarassment i said "yaa.".Sorry kind souls.Fortunately no vehicle moved and i escaped death,Ouch my both knees are hurting me so much.I had to come during school hours due to the pain!First period was english,filing stuff as SA1 EL is coming monday.Ohh!Didnt tell teacher bout my bruise.First lesson only Shankari,Wen Xing,Jolene,Nual and Aishah knew bout my bruise.Sooner more people came to know bout it..second period was PE,which i couldnt take part in for heavens sake.Was watching and supporting Thaaniyah&Shankari.Shankari came in first and Thaaniyah came in 2nd.Recess bought lychee tea then went to relak at star centre.Called mom and said i couldnt tahan the pain.She ask me to take a cab back.After Maths class test i balek Kampung..Ate lunch and i am soo tired now.Letting my poor knees rest!(:
Adios!Tatas.Will be uploading photos soon!

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