April 10, 2010


Happy 7th Wedding Annivesary my sister!Love youh!
Ps:I chose this pic of all cos i kind of liked it alot.But vinod baby was extra!Hahas
*Woots*...More than 100 posts in my bloggie already!Weee.I told ya i wont be posting today but i managed to.Mom and i woke up early and whacked-a-do a good breakfast.Pavi woke up late.Dad had to go and check on his man.Switched on the com early.Ard 3 went to IMM.Bought Ice blended and checked out books @ popular.I wanna save money for the time travellers wife.Came back home ate lunch and half an hour ago helped mom make quay salat.It was yummy:P!Daddy came back and now we are going to discuss about my student plan thingy.Will post most probs on monday.Tuition tmr,and i have not completed her homework.OOps.Gonna complete now.Tatas!

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