April 12, 2010

"Mr Chicken's" totally gross!

Sheevangi Sk
eh,mr koh wear the same shirt everyday right?
22 minutes ago ·

Ken Lee
yea -.- he does'nt change ,
21 minutes ago ·

Jolene Wong Xue Yi
gross ... ken also right ^^
18 minutes ago ·

Ken Lee
LOL of cuz i am right ,
18 minutes ago ·

Sheevangi Sk
Jolene-Agree with you!hahax..jk:P
17 minutes ago ·

Jolene Wong Xue Yi
hahahahah! mr koh suck ttm. correct correct ?!?! tyty^^
15 minutes ago ·

Sheevangi Sk
Absolutely correct!!Welcume[!]
3 minutes ago ·

Greetings!Hehs.Today was as per normal.Didnt meet up with kams as her phone was confiscated.Darn!Recess time drank choc milk.Was having terrible hiccups during phys class.We have always realised mr.chicken wears the same shirt.Grouse siaa.He is only giving us our test paper tmr.OOh..nervous liao.He burned the last period by long time stories.Weee!Had to get back own lunch .Am alone at hme now..Uploading fotos in Fb!

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