May 31, 2009

We are travelling down the love lane,Chalte chalte was normal...Was asked to edit class blog.
Watched ' rab ne bana di jodi'.. The movie was good and romantic...
A true Lovers life.We are travelling down the love lane,Chalte chalte.
Was quite bored as edited stuff already.
Den gossiped with nabilla.ahha..

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:'s life going on?

NA says:

okay,,, you?

NA says:


NA says:

hws farhan?

Sheevangi Lambert says:

not mean farhan sharizal?

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

haha..hes always fine.

NA says:

HAHA. i asked cos im no longer close to him

Sheevangi Lambert says:

no offence,he's my class JOKER and *IRRITATER!

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

soo..currently single?

NA says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

wid whu?

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

hmm..our school one?

NA says:

danial 6 peace

Sheevangi Lambert says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

wish eu everlasting happiness...!

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

how was ur perfomance today?

NA says:

okay luh, hahaha. lucky no mistake.

NA says:

im glad farhan is alr forgetting abt me. and going on. HAHA.

Sheevangi Lambert says: noe something!i wont be able to do my work peacefully duuring exam period...

Sheevangi Lambert says:

he will be flirting wid all the girls ard me!!err!

NA says:

hahaha. flirting.

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

yea....especially the malay girls...

Sheevangi Lambert says:

i pity them...hahaha..

NA says:

so sad fr them lah.

NA says:

i bet the badge i gave him isnt thr.

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

which one?

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

it is still there!!!

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

the j.point one ar?

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

with the spade or something?

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

yah..cos i oso have the bigger one..den he always will say'see same same'!

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

He said he bought it....

NA says:


NA says:

i gave it to him

NA says:

he dimwit ass.

Sheevangi Lambert says:

kk...relax..relax...don't get tension bout unreasonable ppl out der!

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

you five look gorgeous in the pic eu posted!

NA says:

thankssss! (:

NA says:

he's sucha loser. i gave it to him. -.-

Sheevangi Lambert says:

haha.he's proud that he got E for maths...

Sheevangi Lambert says:

I really dont understand why.

NA says:

haha. he lsoer lah.

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

having classes during the hols?

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

SOmetimes i do really get totally anoyyed ins kool!!

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:

yeah. too much studying. hahaha

Sheevangi Lambert says: more ppl like shakthi pisses me off..

Sheevangi Lambert says:

I am not in terms wid her and she still wan to give problem..

Sheevangi Lambert says:

she go and tell cherrie i copying her style..

Sheevangi Lambert says:

wat sia 'copying'??!!

NA says:

hahaha. cherrie? whats wrong with her mayn.

NA says:

well, just dont need to bother bout her.

NA says:

she's got some mentality matters.

Sheevangi Lambert says:

yea...i am myself!

NA says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

haha...sometimes she asks eu unneccesaruy question too rite?

NA says:

yeah. like, am i single? wtf.

Sheevangi Lambert says:

dont bother to answer..haha

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

Are eu going for the liverpool ting in sing?

NA says:

i wNnnanaaaa.

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

maybe..but dunno who to go with...

NA says:

go with me

NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

if it;s o wid eu!

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

eu tell me how larh...

NA says:

thats why.

NA says:

u got the tix?

Sheevangi Lambert says:

nd to buy soon.

NA says:


NA says:

i wanna buy th grandstand.,. but ex lah

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:

normal tix 88

Sheevangi Lambert says:

eu noe hw to get the tix?

Sheevangi Lambert says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

wah went i went to the website...they only said it is on july..nvr say the date!

NA says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says: mom agreed to buy the tix..

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:

hahah. anw brb

Sheevangi Lambert says:


NA says:


Sheevangi Lambert says:

kies...soo wanna go2gether?

Sheevangi Lambert says:

or what..?

Sheevangi Lambert says:

are eu there?

NA says:

yeah. anw my bro using.

NA says:

at 9 then i use.

Sheevangi Lambert says:

ouk..i gotta go soon.

Sheevangi Lambert says:

soo 2moro will eu be in msn?

Sheevangi Lambert says: ya.hehe

NA says:


NA says:

love you too.:)

May 28, 2009

Love you mom....

Mom,if eu do view my blog..i would wish to say this!
To,R.vijaya letchimi

You are my one and only best security.

You have never made me regret.

You do your best for me.

You have never made me say'gimme more' but made me say 'enough'.

You scold me for good..but regret scolding later on.

You give me warmth by holding on tight to me each and every day.

Never said no to anything i say.

You have only said 'do better next time' but never discouraged.

You provide me with care,respect,joy,peace,happiness,love,courage,freedom and confidence.

You have always trusted me.

You have done your best for me always.

Whatever decision you make will be a success!

You will always have this little child with/for you!

You are the BEST!

Thank You a million time...................


LOVE EU ALWAYS.....-Your babe Sheeva-

Can we be alone?

i feel soo eww 2dae! err.boredom sucks my life!!!I i am loving him more and more...
aIt's damn long since i saw him..*weeps*
romeo,take me somewhere we can be alone...
romeo,take me somewhere we can be alone...
romeo,take me somewhere we can be alone...
romeo,take me somewhere we can be alone...
romeo,take me somewhere we can be alone...
okay.. y am i emoing too much??? DARN!


May 26, 2009

Didn't go to skool 2dae..dun wish to tok about it...
kies was asked to this quiz/survey!
Name 13 of your friends you can think of now;
o1: Sakinah.
o2: Prema.
o3: Gaya3.
o4: Geetha.
o5: Alice.
o6: Irdawati.
o7: Masayu.
o9: Laila.
1o: Vasanth.
11: le min.
12: Kasthuri.
13: Farhan(indian-muslim)
1) How did you meet 1o?
>Cuzzie's close one.
2) What would you do if you never meet 1?
>I would feel that there's something missing.
3) What would you do if o2 and o6 dated?
>err...i dun tink they wanna be les.
4) Have you seen o4 cry?
>nope..Indeed she's always with a smile.
5) Do you think 1o is cute?
6) How did you know o8?
>*was* my good friend during p5&p6 life.
7) Would you ever go to date with 12?
>err..she's one of my best ones..
8) What's o7 favourite colour?
> i guess it's black.
9) What would you do if o6 confess that he/she likes you ?
>Hello!!she is a girl not a les.
10) Facts about o9?
11) Who is o4 going out with?
> Currently,single.
12) Who is o5 to you ?
>understanding classmate :D
13) Would you ever live with 13 ?
> answer.
14) Is o2 single?
> Yes.
15) What do you think of o3 ?
>A very good friend.can be loved.sensitive.good personality.
16) What's the best thing about o5 ?
>She has the same character as me!
17) What do you think of 11 ?
> Friendly.
18) Favourite memory with o2 ?
>The conference call with the3muskeeters.


On friday rushed home aft skool...went to Imm to get cuzzie his B'dae present from him his kind of a brown jacket...ate at mcdonald's and bought Chocolate Ice blend.In the evening went over to Sonia,navin house...Watched 13B.It was quite freaky.Saturday we left to trader's hotel as the next day was Navin's B'dae.First thing,I entered e room..i layed myself on the bed.Ard 3.30 went for a swim.Spent bout 2hours and went back to the room...lil while ltr went to tanglin mall for late lunch...!And my stomachs were too full!Went windowshopping!then bought a yummy looking muffin and went back...on the way saw navin and the boys playing frisbee in the pool screaming away!Thank god,the guests didn't complain..Once the boys were back they watched taken..while we girls were camwhoring....haha.At 9.30 aunt&uncle bought all of us Dinner...soo sad i couldnt finish my chicken biriyani!After we gave navina blast!Sunday woke up early just for a swim as we were checking out at 2pm!It was a joyful moment as we were the only one in the pool...soo we started diving like nobody buisness!Spent 3 hours in the pool and went for a bath...Packed up all the stuff..and went for lunch again and finally returned home...
I have fallen in love with Adam Lambert...

May 19, 2009

No matter what,i still love eu!

Soo sad...didnt go to school todae!:(.Finally will be well 2moro.Finally satisfied as i found my favourite childhood sweet after a long time!!
I am currently stuck in love life...totally lost and confused..!
Oh no!sis is going crazy..!I can't help it.haha.Eager for results...
English,Maths,Science,Tamil ?!?!There's no tuition till Term3.argh..stomach's grumbling..!FOOD!I know i am a pig,but seriously i can't help it..No longer active in Friendster..only active in blogger,FB!kies..time to fill my stomach.
PS:No matter what,i still love eu! Memories @2.30pm

May 18, 2009

Fill my cravings! =)

WTH!i am soo sick in myself! didn't go to school today...and i heard that some of them got their maths marks...I am worried sick for my marks..Todae was full of boredom...planning to play badminton at 7..! I was just editing stuff jus nw and i did this signature thingy...and one of it turned to be awful...hahaha!Btw...1 week countdown for a special day..!QUICK!I really miss someone..!=)

Craving for donut factory's *DOUBLE CHOC*!

May 12, 2009


Convincing! (Study larh...sheevangi!)
Getting started...
Finally studying!

PAPER 2 has began!!err!But paper 2 was not bad..I am really convincing myself to study! Convincing...convinced..getting started..STARTED!Some annoying ppl..r just trying to make up issues..but seriously..i cant be bothered!Walau..2dae during NSW boon bin & richard were making fun of my name..they didn't stop laughing till they got questioned..!:-p
Lucky that..mrs zakria didnt hear me saying 'SHUT UP richard soh!'.The NSW questions were really WIERD!I just took my own sweet time to do the paper...haha..!Eager to meet my girls tomorrow..!Btw ppl: i noe eu all are playing out there..but i tink eu better take out your books!!I and Gaya3 are really getting annoyed everyday by *someone*.. Come on!
I am the one eu have problem wid..not gaya3!waiting for maths paper to be over ASAP!
PS:Flying colours to everyone...!Just for a short period and it'll be over!

May 06, 2009

Diva :-p

Love this song by beyonce!

I'ma-a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma-a diva (hey)
I'ma, I'ma-a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma-a diva
I'ma, I'ma-a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma a diva
I'ma, I'ma a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma a di...

Na-na-na, diva is a female version of a hustla, of a hustla, of a, of a hustla...
Na-na-na, diva is a female version of a hustla, of a hustla, of a, of a hustla...

Stop the track, lemme state facts:
I told you, gimme a minute and I'll be right back
Fifty million round the world and they say that I couldn't get it;
I done got so sick and filthy with Benjis, I can't spend it
How you gon' be talkin shit? You act like I just got up in it;
Been the number one diva in this game for a minute!
I know you read the paper - the one that they call a queen,
Every radio round the world know me cause that's where I be (first!)

I'ma-a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma-a diva (hey)
I'ma, I'ma-a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma-a diva
I'ma, I'ma-a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma a diva
I'ma, I'ma a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma a di...

Na-na-na, diva is a female version of a hustla, of a hustla, of a, of a hustla...
Na-na-na, diva is a female version of a hustla, of a hustla, of a, of a hustla...

When he pull up, wanna pop my hood up,
Bet he better have a six-pack in the cooler
Gettin money, divas gettin' money,
If you ain't gettin' money, then you ain't got nothin fo' me
Tell me somethin', (tell me somethin'): Where yo boss at? (Where yo' boss at?)
Where my ladies up in here that like to talk back? (that like to talk back)
I wanna see her (I wanna see her), I'd like to meet ya (I'd like to meet her)
What you say? (NOT TO ME!), she ain't no diva (she ain't no diva!)...

Na-na-na, diva is a female version of a hustla, of a hustla, of a, of a hustla...
Na-na-na, diva is a female version of a hustla, of a hustla, of a, of a hustla...

Since 15 in my stilettos, been struttin in this game,
"What's yo age?" That's the question they ask when I hit the stage
I'm a diva, best believe her, you see how she gettin paid?;
She ain't callin him to grade-up, don't need him, her bed's made

This is a stick-up, stick-up (I need them bags, all that money...)
We're gonna stick-up, stick-up (You see the mask, "where that money?")
All my ladies get it up, I see you, I do the same;
Take it to another level, no passengers on my plane...

I'ma-a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma-a diva (hey)
I'ma, I'ma-a diva (hey), I'ma, I'ma-a diva...

This is a stick-up, stick-up (I need them bags, all that money...)
Stick-up, stick-up (You see the mask, "where that money?")

Na-na-na, diva is a female version of a hustla, of a hustla, of a, of a hustla...
Na-na-na, diva is a female version of a hustla, of a hustla, of a, of a hustla...

May 04, 2009


Oops!was inactive in blogger for more than 2 weeks..!sorry...!
Basically nth much happened..!I would oni tok about one special day among those weeks..!
26 APRIL 2009:
woke up damn early...rushed to JE popular to meet Mrs.suresh and my tl darlings..!Suprisingly she brought her cutie pie along..!=)!quickly boarded the bus to aljunied and took a taxi to mediacorp...It was damn crowded went we entered the most inspiring tl teacher award hall..!What we were eager for was the results..!
it came sooner..We all got off our seats and started cheering when the host announced that mrs.suresh got it..!
We recieved medals too..!the lucky draw prizes were soo soo worth it...unluckily..none of us got it!:(
we went to tekka for lunch..!Thanks for the treat asiriyaye..!Finally we went back ard 5.30 with smiling faces..!
WAH...i know i used good english..and its wierd..!
First thing in e morning,was showered with *wonderful* rain water..!met my darlings opposite skool...!we shared ONE umbrella and ran like crazy pigs to skool..!First ting we did was to wish mrs suresh...had to report straight to class for temperature taking..!(arrgh..SWINE FLU)!soo sad sia..time table suspended..'tnx alot'...!
after recess waited for mom to pass me the cake..!I gaya3,geetha went to level 2 staffroom to put the cake...but we knocked and knocked and knocked,finally a malay teacher helped us..!went to class aranged tables..did maths..el..i was not soo interested as i was lookin forward for something..stop..!class was just bored..!
i dun wanna tok bout it..!
B'dae bash..!:
After meeting...mrs suresh came down,we celebrated her b'dae..!Ms.taha was like wah..ur students celebrating!and my teacher was like 'eu all arh...'!E funniest thing was we pranked mrs suresh that the toilet was vandalised..when she entered the toilet we sprayed the crazy ribbon and burst the party poppers..!But she sprayed it back at all of us..damn..!it was such a memorable and fun time..!love eu asiriyaye..! <3
Hanged out wid darlings and returned home..!
Happy B'dae asiriyaye..!love eu lots!<3

I am too LAZY...!