April 30, 2010

Prasena Sygg&Davita Akka rawkss ttc


Sch was okay..Cant believe i nearly passed my science test.When clarified,i'm one of the highest girls lahh.Nothing to be proud of.Half way thru science lesson.There was a false fire alarm.Rushed to field with Isnina.Damn freakingg hot sial...Once finished ran to the canteen and bought a drink.Waited for thaaniyah to eat,wnt to MT class.We were talking personal stuff all e way.After sch,met hush for tuition.But Davita Akka was ponna stress.So tuition was cancelled.Prasena Syg came outside sch.Went with her and davita to west mall.Bought hairband and earstick.Then went to another shop,akka bought for me herself and prasena earings.Tks ka..!I told her to choose.Then,in that shop they sold like 6 pairs of ear sticks for $1.5o.I felt so heart pain sia.Nvm,will go with daddy to IMM and buy tmr.Then went hme.Msging prasena sygg all e way!Love her and akka lots mann.Looking forward to may 16th,only prasena knows:DD

Exam week this coming week:


The others will update soon!!:P

Coming monday no school...Weeeee!Till then tatats!

April 29, 2010

I LOVE Davita Jane!!!

Heyyy!I will be posting pics i edited and the front view of my hair!

Imma Chyna Doll Again!

China doll(Backview)
Front View L8r on.Cyna doll!!!
Yest Tamil Paper was Average lurhss.Left from tution early as mom wanted me back home early.Went to cut hair Yesterday:DD Its like very short and nicee to me.I felt as if i have got back my old "China DOll' hairstyle.Weeeeee !Some ppl say should have cut shorter...Next time la.Cos during the hols i wanna colour my hair.Thaaniya syg was wanting and excited to see my hair.I promised to show her tdyy.Unfortunately,Couldnt turn up for school today.Haish..Woke up,got ready already.After drinking milo,had a terrible stomach siaaa]:
Sry,all my loved ones.Esp to davita akka,i will turn up tmr.Tatas might post l8r...

April 26, 2010

Nurul Isnina

Rawk on my "Yuyul Goldfish!":DD
2nd Post Of the Dayy!Was chatting with isnina goldfish earlier on.Love her mann.She has the attitude like me.Hehs.She said i am a gr8 friend.Weeeee:D.I know i over reacting lahh.:P
Anyways,thanks isnina.You have been an awesome fwen too.Keep on Rocking Beb!

ILY Prasena Pauline!

ILY Prasena BBY!
Weekends were spent @ OCC for shanti kas b'dayy bash.Really enjoyed.Best Kaki Was Prasena Pauline!ILH lots.MYE EL today.Not bad,the summary part was tough.Mommys on her way home.Wednesday,gonna get a new haircut.Woots.Gotta go.Oh yes,tmr will be coming hme late cos of tuition with Davi!

April 22, 2010

Knees are soo bruised!

Heyy everybody!I have decided to post almost everyday to keep this blog alive.But for one week i cant really update as its mid year exams alr.But after that,i'll start.Its confirmed that Davita akka's going to teach me tuition.Starting frm tomorrow.Weeeeee:D!Today...
This week is damn unlucky for me.Today i almost faced death, and i cant overcome the fear till now.Gosh!I was crossing the traffic light to meet shankari.Dumb me walked when the 'green man' was blinking...So when it was 'red man',i had to rush.I didnt realise the road was jaggered.I tripped and fell flat on the road with both my hands and bag!!!Can you imagine the pain?Only i know how it felt and feels now.It was burning bcos of the impact.People around me were like "are you ok?",in embarassment i said "yaa.".Sorry kind souls.Fortunately no vehicle moved and i escaped death,Ouch my both knees are hurting me so much.I had to come during school hours due to the pain!First period was english,filing stuff as SA1 EL is coming monday.Ohh!Didnt tell teacher bout my bruise.First lesson only Shankari,Wen Xing,Jolene,Nual and Aishah knew bout my bruise.Sooner more people came to know bout it..second period was PE,which i couldnt take part in for heavens sake.Was watching and supporting Thaaniyah&Shankari.Shankari came in first and Thaaniyah came in 2nd.Recess bought lychee tea then went to relak at star centre.Called mom and said i couldnt tahan the pain.She ask me to take a cab back.After Maths class test i balek Kampung..Ate lunch and i am soo tired now.Letting my poor knees rest!(:
Adios!Tatas.Will be uploading photos soon!

April 20, 2010

DavitaJane Rockks!

I Love Davita Akka!
My 2nd post of the day.Had lotssa fun after school esp when davita akka came.Only i went to do maths wit her.Then she was asking whether i want her tuition.Which means i can change tuition and mom agrees with it!Weeee~tired now.Will continue this post.Tatas.

Thaaniyah sweets♥

ILY Thaaniyah Dyal!!♥

Heyy yawr readers!Was inactive for a few days,i know.Sorry,had lots of test!I didnt do well for maths test.But promised Mommy,Daddy and Mr koh that i will do well for my mid year!(: In school com lab now.Soo noisy and irritating.The boys playing the chipmunk version of the songs.hhas, but frankly i liked the bad romance.Beside me is isnina.Thaaniyah was telling bout her perosnal thoughts earlier then we couldnt stop laughing when ganesh showed all his monkey stunts.Wakaka.Ate maggi soup with thaaniyah.Will be staying back with hush to get maths help from davita akka.thaaniyah also wants to stay back..Weeee~Maybe will be practicing the dance thingy.Hmmph!Tatas(:

April 12, 2010

"Mr Chicken's" totally gross!

Sheevangi Sk
eh,mr koh wear the same shirt everyday right?
22 minutes ago ·

Ken Lee
yea -.- he does'nt change ,
21 minutes ago ·

Jolene Wong Xue Yi
gross ... ken also right ^^
18 minutes ago ·

Ken Lee
LOL of cuz i am right ,
18 minutes ago ·

Sheevangi Sk
Jolene-Agree with you!hahax..jk:P
17 minutes ago ·

Jolene Wong Xue Yi
hahahahah! mr koh suck ttm. correct correct ?!?! tyty^^
15 minutes ago ·

Sheevangi Sk
Absolutely correct!!Welcume[!]
3 minutes ago ·

Greetings!Hehs.Today was as per normal.Didnt meet up with kams as her phone was confiscated.Darn!Recess time drank choc milk.Was having terrible hiccups during phys class.We have always realised mr.chicken wears the same shirt.Grouse siaa.He is only giving us our test paper tmr.OOh..nervous liao.He burned the last period by long time stories.Weee!Had to get back own lunch .Am alone at hme now..Uploading fotos in Fb!

April 11, 2010

Gonna get a new hairstyle in a month time!

Holaa!Tuition in 40 mins time.Sis is having it now and she looks tensed.hahahs.Now its confirmed that i'm gonna get my touch by end of the month.Weeeeee~Hong kah won the tamil drama competition but sad that i couldnt get the tix in time!Haaish was scolding me why i didnt buy the tix earlier:(!Nvm..There will be another time.I'm freakking hungry.Dad's cooking nasi lemak and the smell is awesome.Arrgh,i wanna gobble it.Hehhs.*stomachs grumbling*I can only eat aft tution damn.Kk..gotta end this post.Will be posting how my new hairstyle is gonna be.Will getting it in a month time.

April 10, 2010


Happy 7th Wedding Annivesary my sister!Love youh!
Ps:I chose this pic of all cos i kind of liked it alot.But vinod baby was extra!Hahas
*Woots*...More than 100 posts in my bloggie already!Weee.I told ya i wont be posting today but i managed to.Mom and i woke up early and whacked-a-do a good breakfast.Pavi woke up late.Dad had to go and check on his man.Switched on the com early.Ard 3 went to IMM.Bought Ice blended and checked out books @ popular.I wanna save money for the time travellers wife.Came back home ate lunch and half an hour ago helped mom make quay salat.It was yummy:P!Daddy came back and now we are going to discuss about my student plan thingy.Will post most probs on monday.Tuition tmr,and i have not completed her homework.OOps.Gonna complete now.Tatas!

April 09, 2010

Her phone has been consficated!

Heyy yawr readers.A quick post now.I wont be posting over the weekends.School was gr8 tdy.Khams returned back..Will continue on monday!adios:]

April 08, 2010

NPCC Plege!

I'll skip to NPCC.NPCC was tiring yet damn fun.Have to memorise pledge for promotion test.It gonna be the end of school week alr.Weeee!Feel fresh after bathing.Kams didnt cme to school tdy.Accomponied nual.Now gonna buy dinner and drinking choco ice blend(:
Will update and mommy's @ home tmr.Wee!Tataaas!

April 06, 2010

Sony erricson Satio:DD

Greetings Earthlings!Back to school today was a gr8 feeling.Sonia Darling called me up yesterday.She told me a piece of good news.Finally she bought a new phone.She was wanting for a touch phone and she bought a samsung itouch.She was telling the student plan she took was a good buy and was convincing me to take that line.Hers is 'M1'.She knew that i was a prepaid girl who refused to take line before.Told mom about it.She said she will take my phone.Now i am totally excited to get my new phone.I am considering sony erricson 'Satio'.But better not have high hopes.Oh god do grant me my wish!:D Have to wait till end of the month.Had maths common test 3 tdy.Not bad.But so far this was the best paper.I was dozing off during science lesson.Exhausted.Ooh yeah!School starts @ 9.30am tmr((:

April 04, 2010


Baby,Are you down dowm down down!

Ellos E'body!Its another decade since i posted.This week cos i came over to sista's place.But i will update alternately as promised with effect from next week.Lolx:D As i said school pressure has increased.Going to have a tough time for SA's.Having tuition @ 3.Was listening to my old time favourite hits just now...Kayy,i really miss my grandmother soo so much.I have never been without her for this long.I dont know how i'm going to get along with it.