July 12, 2010

Sugar's Mine ♥

Hell-00000 !
Lets Start From The Morning , Shankari And Hush Seems To Be Different Towards Me And I Dont Bother . But I Want To Know Whats Happening . Went To School After Meeting Them , Met Suzana HalfWay . Went For Assembly , then went to class . MT went kind of okayy , maths okay . EL Sucked ... Lots ! Unorganised ppl ?! Isshhhhhh ! Science was kind of good , there was false fire alarm . haha , always during science . Art sucked a little thought we did nothing . Mr . Shah Dismissed Us Early . Immediatelty went home without waiting . Was Talking To Thaaniyah OTW home . Shankari called and asked why i didnt wait for her . Then i was like 'oh shit , and regreted all of a sudden' . haiyas . Anw , I Miss Sugashini Sayang Too Much ! Am Att To Her , Shes mine ! Weeeee !~ Hehes . Currently Chatting With , Suga .. Frazil .. BM .. ! I feel like bueno-ing . hehes . Must Ask BM to buy and come . Kayy , fraking tired . Going to take a short nap . Then Do Work l8r . As usual , me and frazil were arguing . hehes ! oohh yayy , found my old pictas that i lost ! kk , smallgirl wants to sleep .
"What Goes Around , Comes Around"

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