July 18, 2010

WebCamming Rox ! Woohoo (;

Heyyy-llooooooo !!

I'll Start Off From What Happened Yest Kayy ..

Saturday ; Went To Harvey Norman , Shopping !! Bought New Stuff ! Weeee !---> WebCam , Oven , Mixer And So On ! Soo Excited To Make My CupCakes ! :DD Then Went To Visit GodMa , && Got A SHock Out Of My Life . Mom And I Started Crying Along With Her . The Hospital And Docs Have Given Up On Her . To Hell With Them . This Always Happens , I Dont Want To Go Thru , Like What I Went Thru For Granny . Now I Need Her , Dont Worry God-Mommy , Be Strong ! Miracles Do Happen For Wonderful ppl Like You ! [:


Went To Collect Stuff , Again Excited To Buy Stuff For CupCakes ! Yeahh ! Came Home , Started WebCamming With Pavi;Fighting Partner And With Keshav Baby . Then Cameroid Stole My Eyes . Hahas ! Now Chatting With Prasena Sayang + SugaShini Sayang ! Need To Meet Them Badly . Ahh , Theres Sch Tmrw .WTH ! I Want Friday Back ! Kayy , Adios Samigo !

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