August 12, 2009

50% AssHole!

As what i expected my life in fuhua is soo dead because of some people!
To a particular person"You want to show attitude,go on!Its your fault that you listen to rumours and jump to conclusion k!I can still live in this world!".Thanks to the one who supported me.School was horrible.Tamil class was a bit of lecture...Today 6 Loyalty had late recess at 10:30AM.Only our class was at the canteen.Was waiting for school to end....Bussed back home..Mom asked me to accompany her to IMM.Soo we went.I bought a top and handphone strap for my old handphone strap's buckle fell off.Mom bought me and sis and herself Body Shop body scrub and lotion.I love the flavour she bought this time.We went to get her a top and she couldnt make her mind..soo she was asking me.I picked the one with a bow below.So we bought it and walked back home.Mom was delighted as the top fitted her well and not as she expected.Since the time i came back home..i have not stopped messaging..just paused a while ago..i hope i dun nd to resume!As for tomorrow..the pasir ris mangrove excursion!Excited yet terrified to go.Those classes that went earlier said that some of them sinked to knee level.Touchwood!But if i am the one who sink..i will definitely panic the next second!Heh! I am soo freaked out!Hope everything goes well larhs!Waiting for daddy to come back. Home is in a chaos!OMG!Should get ready for tomorrow..good luck to me and 6 Loyalty!hehes.

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