August 06, 2009

"Farhan you better dont betray ehs!";)

Wow..its a week since i posted..The week went pretty well.Wednesdays maths test was fine.
But i did much better.:)For all the tamil practice papers i have been doing this week i am scoring soo well...Mrs suresh was overwhelmed as she was and is confident that i can be cosistent in my marks.haha.cant believe it.Todays sceince test was complicated,Mikhail was soo irittating during PE!Hated playing badminton with him.throughout the game,he was singing "Goyang Goyang,Goyang Gopala,Goyang!".Issh!Once again, MIKHAIL i hate you today.2moro there will be NDP celebration in school..It will be my last NDP celebration in Fuhua..Actually it is half-day tomorrow but mrs suresh asked us to stay back to have compo test for 50 mins!ya soo it will be from 10:45a.m.-11:45(estimated).After that will be going out with Alice,Denise,Irdawati.....and dunnoe who else.hahaha.I noe it stupid not to know who you are going out with.But thats me k!
Soo..i am still finding for my P5 NDP shirt.Hope i will find it..Today's Mangrove swamp briving made me freak out!I heard there are chances of rare insects biting...WTH!Anyways Farhan(6 Joy) promised to chat at 5.But he didnt.And in school he still could say"You better go kayy...if not you see what i will do".I should have said that to you asshole!hees.I hope he did not tell whatever i tell him today to anyone!!!Its seriously confidential!Though its a long weekend...we pupils are filled with homework!!!!Pity us eh!Awaiting 2moro yea!
PS:Mommy thnks for the milkshake.

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