August 24, 2009

Would I do well for my tamil paper this time?

Maths paper was not bad.But i know the mark range i will fall in.'-'......Today while walking to school,I dont know why but i walked super fast.Err.It was embarrassing.After a long time,I went very early to class.Saw the malay pupils talking about fasting.Only then i remembered that it would be very bad to drink in front of them,soo i better not forget and drink infront of them.Alice and Denise changed their specs.But i preferred alice's old specs.:)SS lesson was basically about other language and most of them were not listening.The class became noisier and noisier.Tomorrow will be MT paper 1&2.A little scared cos,Mrs suresh only told us that we have to memorise all proverbs today!And i'm a little nervous i wont be able to memorise it in time.*Getting even more scared*!Not forgetting science on wednesday.I am really hoping for good marks this time....I guess i have to do a rush through again!
Yea,dad's going off for his trip tomorrow.sadsad.:(. Hope he will return early.
Do your best everyone!

-Somewhere,something incredibe is waiting to be known-

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