August 11, 2009

Why did you have to do it!?!?

I dunnoe y i get sick always on public holidayss..The virus passed from mom-sis and them me!
Err!Anyways the holidays were good.Bascially what happened was...

Saturday 08/08/09
Went to sisters place...All the cuzzies gathered there!We had our shiokalicious lunch at aunts place then played games...In the evening we watched and went to causeway point for swensens ice cream.All of us ordered there was a variety..Little sangeetha ordered this kids ice cream called "Volcano".It actually has 4 different flavours ard the plate and in the middle there was this cold ice thingy which allowed smoke to come out!Soo suprising to me!haha.
I ordered chocolate crunch which was soo chocolatey and nice.Advise to everyone" be a chocolate freak if you want to buy Swensen's sticky chewy chocolate ice cream,cos my cuzz bought it suffered finishing it up!".After the ice cream our stomachs were all filled.Then walked back home..But we were all too high and hyper active due to the ice cream!!It was freaky.
Somehow we were back to our normalselves..hah!
Started our day late....played song games..and the got complicated!Till now we dunnoe who won!
Cuzzies went back home in the night..while i stayed at aunts place...Monday morning bussed home.That afternoon..i got my nightmare again.High fever..from mom and sis....
Soo sad that i couldnt go to school.urrgh!Missed important lessons!?!?Cos i know that there are revisions going on.I should catch up eh!Soo took medicines and rested...But..woke up as geetha kept sending me msgs..and i had to reply as they were soo important!:((!
PS:Whoever who betrayed me...Y did you have to do it!?!?My life in Fuhua is ruined!

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