August 14, 2009


Hmm..alot has happened in just 2 days.Yesterdays trip was fun.I didnt sink..but my leg got stuck at a moment!Issh!Saw the tiny crabs..and yay!Supp was cancelled!Soo went back home straight!I was dirty!Sis chased me to go and bhave first..haha.I wanted to update few things soo i used the com awhile..Dad was furious when he came back.Probably the culprit is is his birthday!Happy B'dae dad!Today was a disaster.Day started off well..but ended badly.It is actually a confidential matter.It was all like a theatre drama.All the ones who pissed me off were like the actors and actresses in the drama.I am soo tensed.Thanks to those who ask me to chill up.Hugs to Mrs Suresh for helping.Love you♥. Came back another big problem.some misunderstanding between me and friend.:(.
Hopefully is all settled!Hope for the good....
Planning my weekends..theres alot to do.Its going to be a little tiring.

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