August 17, 2009

Surroundings keep you bothered

Eyoh!Friday evening..went with dad to temple,was annoyed by sight of some peep.But atleast the person is much better attitude wise.Over the weekends there was much work to do.But to admit it Saturday i was doing some other stuff.Only on Sunday i got on with assignments and revision.Soo Sunday was soo exhausting.Immediately slept after dinner.Soo today banged onto people who i didnt want to see while going up to class..err!In class..was waiting for mr.ho to come as usual he came after awhile..Soo using that time those who didnt finish homework completed it.Lucky,I didnt get caught.heh.He took over the social studies period today.We were revising the English paper.He was scolding us for our simple grammar mistakes.As PSLE orals are this Thursday and Friday..we had a 40 minutes briefing in the hall.I hope no one from this particular class in my group.Obviously there will be..but i am not hoping the majority!Soo after briefing..there was approximately 20 minutes left for MT.Believe it or not.Today i behaved like i didnt noe anyone from my tl class except for sakinah and my tamil teacher.And i think it brought the best for me!Tomorrow is our prelims el paper 1 and 2.Zomg!Its so fast!
But i guess the faster the more benefits.I am preparing my best.But it is last minute!I am seriously nervous for my is going to be people we dont know.Can you imagine that you are with 2 strangers in a big wide room facing each other!It is a little freaky..As for english oral,prelims it was 26 so i am aiming a 29 for PSLE.For tamil prelims i got 40 and above.Soo now it should be 45 and above!(:I belive i can do do everyone around me!Kay flying colours to myself and everyone for this weeks examsss!heh.Dont relieved..and dont bother bout whats happening in your surrounding!I better dont go on..or else i will start to emomuahaha.
"Jia You"peeps!

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